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En familj finner sig strandsatt vid helvetets kust i hopp om att erinra sig sina minnen av en förlorad oskuld. Under en vakande blick av Ödena söker två bröder, en far och en son, en mor och en dotter sin förlorade dygd. Under nio akter ser dem falla ner i en svindlande avgrundscirkus. Iraqi Bodies utforskar teman ur Dante’s verk De Vulgari Eloquentia och La Divina Commedia genom det sceniska experimentet Rite of Exile. Verket är sammanställt av tre föreställningar/installationer baserade på dem tre klassiska teman, kärlek, krig och dygd sedda genom helvetet, paradiset och skärselden. Iraqi Bodies kommer att fortsätta utveckla verket under residens på Angereds Teater (SWE), Kungsbacka Teater, Rum för Dans (SWE), Ki omOs kinetai (GR) och Akropoditi Dance Theater (GR).
« I asked: O Master, what so grievous is
To these, that make them lament so sore?
He answered: I will tell thee very briefly.
These have no longer any hope of death;
And this blind life of theirs is so debased,
They envious are of every other fate »
— Dante Alighieri, Inferno, Canto III
Regissör/koreograf: Anmar Taha
Medverkande: Iliana Pappa, Josephine Gray, Anmar Taha
Scenograf: Anmar Taha
Kostym: Angeliki Manesi, Fani Mouzaki
Musik: Josephine Gray
Ljusdesign: Anmar Taha
A family stranded on the shores of inferno recollect their memories of a lost innocence. Under the prying eyes of the Fates two brothers, a father and a son, a mother and a daughter seek their lost virtues. During nine acts we see them tumble down a vertiginous circus of the abyss. Iraqi Bodies delves into themes from Dante’s De Vulgari Eloquentia and La Divina Commedia within the scenic experiment The Rite of Exile. Comprised of three performances/installations dealing with the poetic themes of love, war and virtue seen through the inferno, paradise and purgatory. The pieces are being developed through residencies at Angereds Teater (SWE), Kungsbacka Teater, Rum för Dans (SWE), Ki omOs kinetai (GR) and Akropoditi Dance Theater (GR).
« I asked: O Master, what so grievous is
To these, that make them lament so sore?
He answered: I will tell thee very briefly.
These have no longer any hope of death;
And this blind life of theirs is so debased,
They envious are of every other fate »
— Dante Alighieri, Inferno, Canto III
Direction/Choreography: Anmar Taha
With: Ileana Pappa, Josephine Gray and Anmar Taha
Stage design: Anmar Taha
Light design: Anmar Taha
Costume: Angeliki Manesi, Fani Mouzaki
Production: Iraqi Bodies
Developed in residency at Angereds Teater (SWE), Kungsbacka Teater Rum för Dans (SWE) and Ki omOs kinetai (GR)
Photographer: Anmar Taha