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OFFING av och med Slip of the Lip

the more distant part of the sea seen from the shore.
In the offing,
a. at a distance but within sight.
b. in the projected future; likely to happen.

Ett tvärkonstnärligt scenkonstverk där installation, performance och koreografi möts i en panoptisk rumslighet.

She’s the core of the center – yet not central
She elongates towards you, for you
She’s hips and lips
A construction
Gaze is made by her
She’ll expose you, and she knows it
You might notice
She’s an eye

OFFING undersöker blickens relationer och positioner: Flackande kroppar, Femme Fatales och förkroppsligade förklädnader möter ögats förväntningar // eller så är det här bara hennes längtan till och bortom horisonter // Betraktare och betraktade rör sig i ett pendlande växelspel med skelande fokus. Hur blir kropp till, i relation till blick? Hur kan blicken förskjutas, manipuleras och desorienteras?


I föreställningen används stroboskopljus. En ljuskälla som skapar intensivt pulserande ljus.





OFFING by and w/ Slip of the Lip

the more distant part of the sea seen from the shore.
In the offing,
a. at a distance but within sight.
b. in the projected future; likely to happen.

A performing art work where installation, performance and choreography intertwine in a panoptic space.

She’s the core of the center – yet not central
She elongates towards you, for you
She’s hips and lips
A construction
Gaze is made by her
She’ll expose you, and she knows it
You might notice
She’s an eye

OFFING explores the gaze and its relations and positions. Flickering bodies, Femme Fatales and embodied disguises encounter with the eye’s expectations // or maybe she’s just longing for the horizon and beyond // Spectatorship turns into a reciprocal game, out of focus. How are bodies realized in relation to the gaze? How can the gaze shift, be manipulated and disoriented?

The performance contains the use of a stroboscopic lamp. A light source that creates an intensive pulsating light.